Our Mass Intention Calendar includes Sanctuary Lights. It is a View Only calendar where you may check availability of future Masses and Sanctuary Lights at each church and search for times/dates you have already reserved.
Families reserve the Mass in memory of a loved one and may include up to three names, or a Special Intention for the living. Sanctuary lights burn in memory of a loved one or Special Intention from Sunday through Saturday. In case there is an overlap in Mass times, up to 2 families may share the Mass intention on the weekends. Mass cards and sanctuary light cards are available.
- Weekend Masses – announced at Mass, appears in the bulletin, $25 offering.
- Weekday Masses – announced at Mass, appears in the bulletin, $20 offering.
- Sanctuary light for the week - appears in the bulletin, $25 offering.
For weekend Masses, the first or only family also has the first option to bring the gifts up during the Mass in memory of their loved one, please let the office know at the time of scheduling. If you are bringing up the gifts, when the two of you arrive at the Mass (10 minutes early if possible), just let an usher know you will be the gift bearers.
SFA = St. Francis of Assisi Church 673 Ellington Road, South Windsor
SMM = St. Margaret Mary Church 80 Hayes Road, South Windsor
SL = Sanctuary Light - Displayed in the calendar at 6 am each Sunday for SFA & SMM
To Check Availability of Mass or Sanctuary Light – scroll down to see where no intention is listed next to SFA or SMM
To schedule a Mass Intention/Sanctuary Light and to Receive a Mass/Sanctuary Light Card,
contact Ginger at 860-644-2411 x101 or admin.coord@sjs-sw.org
Check or cash are acceptable. Make checks payable to St. Junipero Serra Parish. Please write a separate check for Masses and for Sanctuary Lights.
Offerings that are in a separate envelope marked “Mass Intentions” or “Sanctuary Light” with corresponding dates/times may be dropped at the office in the black mailbox or mailed to St. Junipero Serra Parish 80 Hayes Road, South Windsor, CT 06074.